Late’y I’ve been interested in what kinds of roadblocks guitarists deal with when it comes to growing as a player. I think if we are real with ourselves we know exactly what it is that’s keeping us from getting to where we want to go. I’m also certain that’s there’s no such thing as a problem without a solution!
When I ask a guitar player what’s getting in the way of their growth, they almost always say something about a “lack of time.” For hobbyists it’s often that they are too busy to play, or that there’s not enough time to get in meaningful practice. Even professionals face the reality of playing a lot for other people, but struggling to set aside time to work on new ideas.
I can relate, because I have totally been there! I’ve gone through busy seasons and creative dry spells. I’ve made grand plans to practice something for X amount of time, only to get discouraged when I can’t manifest my grand plan.
I’m going to practice 2 hours every day
If any of that sounds like you, I want to help! I’ve been in that space, and I’ve also figured out how to get free from it. I’ve collected my best tips and strategies into a mini-course I call “How to Grow as a Guitar Player (In 15 Minutes a Day).” Everyone can find 15 minutes, right?
Also, I’m giving it away for FREE, because I want you to have a deeper and more satisfying music practice. If you are happy and fulfilled, the world is a better place!
Click here to start the course right now.
Give it a shot! I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised.
Be well,